Case 23 Part 3

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Physician using fume mask during case.

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What's inside?

Thoracic aorta
Vertebral body
Gastroesophageal junction
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary artery
Pericardial sac
Serous pericardial effusion
Right Lung
Lung: right upper lobe
Lung: right middle lobe
Lung: right lower lobe
Left lung

Physician using fume mask during case.

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Discussion Questions


Scroll down for more questions.

1. What structure is being clamped off at the start of the video?
2. Why clamp this off?
3. What could happen if you left the structure open (unclamped) during the procedure?
4. Does the video show a cause of death?
5. How do you tell the difference between a pre-mortem and post-mortem clot?
6. How does pulmonary embolism fit for the history (review history)?
7. Anatomy: What structure is being cut at 00:15?
8. Is the amount and appearance of pericardial fluid normal?
9. Anatomy: What structure is being cut at 00:31?
10. Anatomy: What structure is being cut at 01:39?
11. Anatomy: What structures is being cut at 2:05?
12. Why did the pathologist leave the esophagus attached inside the chest?

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Anatomy Pins

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to view list again.

Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Show me what each option does.


If I click this…
I’ll see a video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of key terms or an activity.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video on the left.
On the right I’ll see a list of discussion questions about the video.
If I click this…*
I’ll see the same video but with interactive anatomy pins.
On the right I’ll see the list of pins.
*Only on some cases.
If I click this…
I’ll see the same video but I can draw on it and add numbers to label what I’ve drawn.
It’s interactive.
If I click this…
I’ll have a sketch pad to draw on.
There’s a male body diagram, a female body diagram and also a blank canvas.
This space is saved for the future.