Case 33 Part 1

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External exam
EKG leads

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Discussion Questions


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1. Summarize the history and clinical issues.
2. You are an emergency room provider. How might your care differ, if at all, knowing the patient had a prior cardiac ablation (vs. not knowing this information)?
3. How many EKG leads are there?
4. Are they placed correctly?
5. Do you think all the leads were placed at the same time or at different times? Why?
6. Where else might you expect to find EKG leads on the body in this case?
7. What do you think caused the brown area in the center of the chest?
8. Do you think the patient was defibrillated? Why or why not?
9. Can you infer anything about where the patient was found based on the external exam?
10. Can you infer anything about how much time passed between collapsing and being attended to by medical professionals?
11. Once you identify the cause of death (in subsequent video), come back to the external exam. Do you think the patient’s risk factors were more likely related to lifestyle or inheritance? What’s your evidence?
12. Is the body decomposed?

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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Canvas Paint – Example 5

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